Category: MackinVIA

Reading Refresh: Strategies to Reinspire Good Reading Habits

With spring semester in full swing, now is a great time for a reading refresh! Here are four strategies that can be used in the library...

Top Tips for Summer Reading Success With MackinVIA

When I was a kid, summer break always began the same way: on the last day of class, my mom would blast “School’s Out” by Alice Cooper on...

A Roadmap for Integrating Digital Resources

If you’re feeling a bit lost in the landscape of digital media, you are not alone! With nearly 70% of teachers reporting tech fatigue, and the...

Are You Getting the Most From Your MackinVIA?

I’ve had the joy of working with educators, librarians, and media specialists all over the country who are using MackinVIA’s digital resources in...

Support Social-Emotional Learning With Audiobooks

If the numerous literacy benefits of audiobooks haven’t convinced you of their value in schools yet, consider this: academics aside, audiobooks...

A Day in the Life of a Librarian

Working in a public library in the summer is a whirlwind experience. With Summer Reading Club, special programming, and crowds of children trying...

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