Category: Inquiry

Carrots and Candy: Letting Go of Rewards in Favor of True Motivation

Pizza for reading, tickets for good behavior, points for participation, stickers for homework completion, marbles in a jar for teamwork,...

Inquiry in ELA: 10 Ways to Make it Work

As an English and speech teacher for mostly sophomores, I found myself frustrated when students seemed to be just going through the motions,...

Valuing Inquiry Over Opinions in the Classroom

When complex social issues are discussed in our classrooms, we often default to a “both sides” framing. However, this approach can leave our...

Do We Need a New Definition of Literacy?

Most educators define literacy as the ability to read and write. And it is true, to be literate we need to know how to read and write. But is this...

Maximize Time by Braiding Learning Goals

Working with English/Language Arts teachers on developing highly engaging and intentional inquiry units of study, one of the concerns I...

To Spark Student Interest, Lean into Student Curiosity and Real-World Experiences

Growing up I didn’t often consider if what I was learning would be useful or applicable to me in life outside of school. In fact, I didn’t think a...

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