To grow students who are literate, critical thinkers, and scholars, we need to create conditions where they are engaged in authentic reading, writing, and collaborating all day, every day. Neuroscience shows the most clear way to rewire our brains is to read and write more. This session will provide both the research for why we need to carve more time into our students’ school day for authentic literacy while also pointing you in the direction of how to do this while meeting all the other demands for yours and your students time each class period.
About the Presenter
Jen McCarty Plucker, Ed. D.
Dr. Jennifer McCarty Plucker has spent over 20 years in public education, first as an English teacher and high school speech coach, then as a reading intervention specialist and literacy coordinator at a high performing high school in the Midwest. She has also been a Teaching and Learning Coordinator leading 6-12 English/Language Arts, Literacy, Social Studies, and English Learner programming. Currently, she is Literacy Consultant and Director of Mackin Learning.